Hello all, I will try to explain my little project with this page.
I started developing the code for proxyma at the beginning of 2007 because I needed a custom Single Sign On adapter for the SUN Portal Server.
The goal of the project is to try to put applications that are not written in Java (like asp, php, perl, python etc..) under SSO without modify them..
The goal has not been realized.. yet.
Proxyma is far from perfection at this point, and as you know, the difficulty of web standards (especially Javascript) doesn't help. :O(
As I was saying, it lacks many features.. but I will try to do my best to improve it.
Anyway, it works fine for my current needs (and for my friend Arthur ;O) so I released it on SourceForge.
Proxyma is a "Reverse-Proxy".
In other words it acts like a "man in the middle" between the client browser and your web-applications.
It masquerades your multiple application servers visible as if they were only one server.
For more information about Reverse-Proxies see this article on Wikipedia.
In Developing Proxyma, thread-safety and low memory consumption was a top priority.
First and foremost Proxyma is a library. The included web application is only a simple demo of a front end for it.
In future releases I will try to mantain this approach and make proxyma more flexible.
This is the internal structure of the proxy engine. Every node is a plugins-set that can be customized and extended very easily.
Please let me know how you are using proxyma.
This will help me to understand how it's used and if I can improve it for you.
Thanks to all for the support!