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I'm sorry, but latest refactory has changed a lot the proxyma interface for the developers.
Anyway, i think that now proxyma is easyest to use as a library because I re-introduced the "Facade" class, but mostly because I introduced the new plugins subsystem that make proxyma very easy to extend..
The core of the library is always the ProxymaFacade class and
it can be used to obtain instances and manipulate the main classes of this project just like the previous releases.
First of all you need to get an instance of the facade..
Then, you have to initialize a new context using the createNewContext() method.
Then you have to obtain a ReverseProxy class that implements the logic of the reverse-proxy.
To do so you can use the createNewProxyEngine() method.
To be useful the reverse proxy needs at least a proxy folder configured into its context, so have to create at least a new ProxyFolderBean using the createNewProxyFolder().
Note that the use of almpst all the methods of the facade requires a proper context parameter. This parameter is useful to let you deploy many instances of proxyma into the same application. (for example to deploy many proxyma-portlet into the same portal.. when the portlet version will be out :O)
Finally, to see proxyma at work you have to create a new ProxymaResourceto process. This can be done using the createNewResource() method xpassing to it a standard HttpServletRequest, an HttpServletResponse and the context.
Now you're ready to pass the resource to the reverse proxy engine that will perform all the work for you.
Please look at the source code of the ProxymaServlet and ReverseProxyServlet for an example of the ProxymaFacade usage.
To see all the documentation of the classes used in proxyma you can go to the Javadocs API. Let me know if you need more documentation and/or code examples.